
ANCRT Newsletter

2021 February Know News v9 (pdf)
Changes in Recertification Policies are identified in this edition.

2020 Fall - Know News - Virtual ICEP-v8 (pdf)
Information about the virtual ICEP topics, dates and times.

2020 Summer Know News - v7 (pdf)
ROMA in the time of crisis: Rapid ROMA, ROMA On-line, and Training via Virtual Cohorts.

2020 Feb. -- Know News is Good News V6 (pdf)
Reminder about Spring ICEP, Notice of NCRI Recertification on-line portal open, follow up about activities in Puerto Rico.

Know News is Good News V5 - Dec. 2019 (pdf)
Report from ICEP Oct 2019; information about Spring 2020 ICEP; update on new material regarding Implementing ROMA

Know News is Good News V4 - Summer 2019 (pdf)
Identifies the workshops we will be presenting at the CAP Convention, and several updates about CSBG activities across the network.  More Info 

Know News is Good News V3 - April_May2019 (pdf)
This issue is a brief recap of the Spring ICEP in Oklahoma City, OK.  More Info 

Know News is Good News V2 - Feb. 2019 (pdf)
This is the second edition of the ANCRT newsletter.  More Info 

Know News is Good News V1 - Nov2018 (PDF)
This is the first edition of the ANCRT Newsletter.
Use the Contact Us tab for suggestions about what you'd like to see in upcoming editions.
 More Info 

Learn about becoming a Nationally Certified ROMA Implementer

Compare two levels (docx)
Brief comparison between NCRT and NCRI. Use "contact us" for questions and comments.

NCRI Considerations - who should apply? (word)
Please review the attached document if you are thinking about applying to become an NCRI. This is the result of discussions with individuals who have become NCRIs and with their supervisors.
We are working to assure that the person selected to take the Implementer training is the person who will have a role in the actual ROMA work at the agency. This document raises some ideas for individuals and agencies to consider

Information about 4 phases ()
There are 4 phases to the training and certification process to become NCRI.

VIRTUAL ADAPTATION - Implementer Candidate Phase 2 ()
Phase 2 will help candidates understand the application of ROMA principles as they apply to local agency practices, which they will document in their portfolio (Phase 3). State Office and Association staff will use documents of local agencies as examples in their portfolio.

Understanding the commitment - NCRI (word)
When you have read the information about the process of becoming and continuing to remain an active Nationally Certified ROMA Implementer, please print and sign the acknowledgement form. This will become a part of your application.

Learn about becoming a Nationally Certified ROMA Trainer

Memo to Potential NCRT Candidates (word)
Memo that can be used for recruitment of new NCRT candidates.

Roles of Trainers (word)
After thinking about roles and activities that the NCRIs can be engaged in, we looked back at the Trainers to think about what individuals and agencies should consider before sending an individual to become a Nationally Certified ROMA Trainer.

Information on 4 Phases - NCRT (word)
This document describes the virtual adaptation of the training to become NCRT.
This is the process in effect in 2021. Questions? Use the Contact Us tab.

VIRTUAL ADAPTATION - Trainer Candidate Phase 2 (word)
Phase 2 for Trainer candidates will include two sets of webinars, held approximately one month apart. See Event Tab for upcoming cohort dates.
Between Part 1 and Part 2 of Phase 2, candidates will meet in groups, with a Mentor, to prepare to present during Part 2.

Phases 3 and 4 - things to consider (word)
While Phase 2 is done as a cohort, Phases 3 and 4 are done independently, with a team, with NCRTs in your area, or in conjunction with your state community action association.

Understanding the commitment - NCRT (pdf)
When you have read the information about the process of becoming and continuing to remain an active Nationally Certified ROMA Trainer, please print and sign the acknowledgement form. This will become a part of your application.

Application process

Are you ready to apply?
We are now accepting applications for new candidates for two levels the National Peer to Peer ROMA Training and Certification program.

If you feel you would be an asset to our network, as either a Trainer or an Implementer, please submit your information at the Application Tab of this site.

Go to the Event Tab to see what upcoming cohorts are scheduled. Phase 1 is done independently, but Phase 2 is done with groups (called cohorts). You can begin Phase 1 without being assigned to a cohort. But if you see dates that match your schedule, you can indicate that in the "location" section of the application.

When you go to the Application Tab, you should be prepared to enter a few things:

• You will enter the name and email address of specific individuals who will support you: your employer/immediate supervisor, the state Association, and the CSBG office.
• You will upload documentation of prior training experience and knowledge of the CAA network in the form of a resume.

Once you apply and are approved, either you/your agency or someone on your behalf must submit an application fee (NCRT, $995.00; NCRI, $775.00).

Question? Use the "Contact Us" tab.

Information about In-Person Phase 2 sessions

NCRT - IN PERSON Three Day Phase 2 information (word)
NOTE: during COVID response, these sessions will be held virtually.
see Virtual Adaptation section on this page.

Phase 2 "classroom sessions" for the NCRT level of certification are three days in length. Participants are expected to attend from 8:30 to 5:00 each day. This is an intense experience, that may include evening preparation with Mentors and Master Trainers. The document here shows a sample schedule for the three days.

Supporting an NCRT (Trainer) Cohort (word)
This is a sample agreement between the National Peer to Peer ROMA Project and local (could be state wide or regional) entity who will assist in bringing the Phase 2 of the training project together.

NCRI - In-person One-Day Phase 2 (word)
During 2021, this phase will be done virtually, as described in section above.

The in-person Phase 2 session for NCRI level is only day in length. It is the bridge between the knowledge acquired in the e-course and the production of a portfolio to demonstrate competence. Candidates begin to use their own documents to demonstrate their understanding of ROMA Principles and Practices.
this is the draft agenda for the day.

Supporting Local NCRI Cohort (word)
Sample agreement regarding the NCRI cohort, including the role of the "host" at the Phase 2 session

Be a Mentor

Invitation to Mentor (word)

Mentor Activities (word)
A quick overview of mentor activities for candidates.