The following documents form the background for the new OCS Performance Management Framework that was developed between 2012 and 2017. They are not listed in consecutive order, so you will have to look at the dates to see the progression. For IMs prior to IM 138, see the Resource Tab.

Information from OCS

Dear Colleague - 2014
An update from early in the development of the Performance Management system.
Dear Colleague - 8/18/2017 (word)
A document that reviews all of the elements of the PM Framework and provides the final approval on the National Community Action Theory of Change.
Three appendices include the TOC and information on Federal Accountability Measures.
Dear Colleague - 8/18/2017 - App 1
Community Action Theory of Change
Dear Colleague - 8/18/2017 - App 2
Federal Accountability Measures shown in a dashboard format.
Dear Colleague - 8/18/2017 - App 3
Initial report of Federal Accountability Measures
Dear Colleague - ASCI
Information about the 2017 version of the ASCI process.
Dear Colleague - ASCI 2015
Notice about the survey for Eligible Entities in 2015 and 2016.
Dear Colleague Letter - 2015 Automated State Plan
Introducing the new automated model state plan August 2015
Dear Colleague Letter AR M 1
this "Dear Colleague Letter" announces the availability of access to the on-line submission for Module 1 of the new Annual Report
Information Memorandum 123 (pdf)
This is the IM that outlines the OCS strategy for increased excellence in the CSBG Training and Technical Assistance program. It identifies the Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia and Centers of Excellence that will form the structure for developing a new Performance Management Framework.
Information Memorandum 138
This is about the Organizational Standards
Information Memorandum 144
This is about the State and Federal Accountability Measures
Information Memorandum 144 appendix a
This is a crosswalk of accountability measures
Information Memorandum 144 appendix b
The actual listing of measures for OCS.
Information Memorandum 144 appendix c
Measures for state CSBG offices.
Information Memorandum 150
This is the IM regarding ACSI
Information Memorandum 150 appendix
This is about the use of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
Information Memorandum 150 appendix b
A chart of the reporting periods for all the states. There are three reporting periods among the states, but all must report in March of each year.
Information Memorandum 151
This is the January 2017 IM about Training and Technical Assistance strategies.
Information Memorandum 152
the January 2017 IM about the new CSBG Annual Report that was approved by OMB on 1/12/17
can be retrieved from OCS archives at https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/resource/csbg-im-152-annual-report
Information Memorandum 152 appendix NTOC
This was the original presentation of National Theory of Change. The graphic was changed with the OMB submission of the CSBG Annual Report and the revised version was approved in August 2017 via a Dear Colleague Letter.
Information Memorandum 152 appendix a
Use this document for the complete listing of items in the new Annual Report (AR)